Friday, February 2, 2018

The Sucking day of Examination

The second day of examination which expectedly the most heart stopping subject is now on my way and I’m anticipating the things that I can’t imagine if  it really happen because of the  unsound behavior of our terror teacher when every time he is making our exams . We are not afraid on him because of his face but we are afraid the way he teach us his ideas about laws and constitution. When every time he arrive in our classroom we tend to be the most kind of student who are studying in SLC because of his terrific aura and ambiance of his presence.       We follow all of his orders during his class discussion wherein we must have to sit erect and focus our concentration on what he talking about just like the way Germans follow the psychotic instruction of Hitler. We always feel to our self that the end is here and we must have prepared our head to be headed by a fat executioner who always hold his big rusty axe.

The ambiance of this paragraph is very enormous for this our feeling when every time we meet our law instructor at 5:30 pm of Tuesday to Thursday. I’m very aware that I have the freedom to express myself through writings which I include how my melancholic emotion was been trigged because of our psychotic instructor or should I say our beloved handsome instructor. I believe that this day sucks my veins and nerve cell for the reason of my disappointment on what’s on the question that have been put by my big fat instructor.

I tend to be a naughty person for the reason of being horrific of my beloved instructor and I want to post it on the social media for this the best story be loved by those people who doesn’t like the way their terror teacher do to them . This is my sucking day of my examination and I don’t want to remember this again because it make me sick and I feel I want to end my life .  Hey what we supposed to do if anyone will just shut their mouth? Is their mental health still okay or do you think that you want now to go in the mental hospital and tell to your psychology doctor that you are now crazy because of your psychotic college instructor. Come on wake up or should I make some hot coffee to pour on our head, I’m sorry for what I’m acting in this paragraph but this is really me when I’m want to release my darkest  side .

Don’t take it seriously well because it is just a mere joke

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

                                                Unjustifiable Treatment

       Our life is like an endless line through which our goal is to keep forwarding into a new challenge and a new chapter of being yourself. In every chapter in the book of our life, we might meet different people who may help to grow or the one who may bring us down because they don’t accept who we are and what are. We may feel different from them because they think we are just like an Alien in their society which leads to a discrimination of what we are. We have an incredible heart and mind to use in helping other people but because of what we hear to them that are not necessarily to think, our heart and mind become corrupted by agony and hatred to our self that may cause us to stop on what we to do to the other people because for them is we are not accept. They always judge us not because of our good intention, but they just see our mistakes.

       Our heart and mind change because of those who don’t recognize us just like them. Do you think that is a justifiable answer for what we experience? Well, the answer in no because it is unfair for to treat differently and not equally because we are humans and the individual who to live like a normal being. You know, I’m now tired of doing something helpful to them and being friendly to them because they just doing hypocrisy instead being truthful to what must do on the other people. I’m now tired of being a kind person because of them who always backstabbing us.  I love making friends with other people and treat them just like one of my brothers and sisters who may support me in return, but if they still doing something that may push you down. It’s hard to admit into yourself that living in this world is hard if you are not emotionally strong and ambitious person.

                                              WHEN THE TIME COME THAT I AM GONE